10 gal goby tank

I had to start a thread for my little 5.5 gal baby tank. It was used as a pod breeding tank for my mandarin until his untimely demise. Now I have an order coming for some corals to fill it up and wanted to start off with a before pic of my rockwork and see what you guys think of the new additions when they come. It's tricky to get such a little tank up and running on a budget, you know. I ended up having to use a desk lamp as lighting, but it's been working remarkably well considering. Enough jibber jabber, here's some pics!



Active Member

Looks good so far, the hardest part about tanks less then 10g is deciding what you want in it.
I have a pico and I am starting to run out of room and need to decide if I want zoos, or acros, Monti's, chalices, or acans.
so many choices.
I would do acans and zoos if I was you.
Thanks. I've got a colt coming in a couple of days that I'd like to try out in the back corner, and some GSP and a few other things I'm going to play around with. I'll take more pics on tues night after everything is settled in.
Sorry I haven't posted new pics.... I still haven't gotten my order! SWF called and explained what's going on, but I'm going crazy with anticipation! Pics tomorrow if all goes well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jacq_rose61688 http:///forum/thread/383722/5-5-gal#post_3359168
Sorry I haven't posted new pics.... I still haven't gotten my order! SWF called and explained what's going on, but I'm going crazy with anticipation! Pics tomorrow if all goes well.
lol i bet, it sucks having to wait for corals to come.. looking forward to some pics and new corals
New Pics! I'm so excited that my stuff finally came! I ended up adding a LOT of living things to this tank. Colt coral, green star polyps(both still shriveled), maroon favia, lime green favia, yellow sun polyps, rock flower anemone, green clown goby, and rainford's goby! Here are some very early pics. Nothing has really settled in yet.

here's some top down shots
Thanks. The top down shots didn't appear for some reason...weird. I was told that those were both favites frags, but the green one looks like a "scribbled" coral. IDK
I want to upgrade my lighting, get a koralia nano for my poor colt and anemone, and even upgrade my tank, but we are on such a tight budget since I quit my job to stay home with my kids that I feel bad buying anything for my tanks. Unfortunately the cool stuff is cheaper than the practical things like filtration and lights....


Active Member
I just wouldn't recommend a favia in a 6g tank is all.
I would upgrade tank, then lights.
Just me .02
Why wouldn't the favia frag be okay? I'm not disagreeing wih you, just asking, so I can remedy the problem. If it gets too big I can move it to one of my other tanks. Same with the fish. I know they'll outgrow the tank(atleast the rainford's goby will), but I can always move them to another tank.


Active Member
I am just thinking the parameter shifts w/ only 5 1/2g of water are tremendous.
I have a very hard time w/ my pico just keeping salinity let alone calcium, alk, mg, ph, ect.
I upgraded to a 10 gal tank I had laying around, but so far everything else has stayed the same. My rainford's goby seems to like the new tank already. He's been swimming around out in the open more and has started sifting the sand through his gills. Is this normal? I know there are sand sifting gobies, but didn't believe these to be part of that group. Any thoughts on why he's suddenly picked up this habit? I'll take new pics as soon as the tank clears up a bit.
Here are the pics I promised. On my shopping list, glass top(to keep my cats/kids out), LED/T5 light big enough for the new tank, koralia nano. It will probably be atleast a month before I can buy anything other than the glass top, though. Money is tighter than it's ever been.
I've added more rock, some zoas, and two green trumpet heads from my 46 gal, plus I'm now obsessed with taking pics, so here you go! I hope you don't mind...