10 Gal Nano..

hey all.
I've had a 10 gal nano for nearly 3 years, with a pair of Occelaris clowns for over 2.
Right now, I have some mushrooms, basic polyps and a colt coral that isnt doing so well (A friend gave it to me to try to revive a week ago). some crabs and snails, along with a CCStar
well, I rearranged last night, and I would like to put some corals in there. What are your suggestions?
Pic of the tank as it is now:
geeze I dont even remember. there's 2 lightings.. UV's of some sort. I'll have to look again when I turn the lights out.
but it doesnt matter, Im willing to get the proper lighting needed for the corals.
if it helps to narrow down the selection, Im looking for some nice pinks/reds and whites