10 gal. nano


Here is recent pic of my nano!
Long tentacled green star polyp
Pulsing Xenia
Green Leather
Green Zoo
perimeters after 10% water change:
Salinity 1.022
Ammonia 0
Trites 0
Trates 0
Calcium 320
KH 10 179ppm
Phosphate 0
Temp 80.4


Active Member
looks pretty good. keep the pics coming. I also have a 10 gallon setup but i dont think im ready to post pics yet. haha. Yours looks nice though.


I also have a ten gallon, but I do not have coral yet... What kind of lights do you have, I have not upgraded yet so I still have stock.
Can you tell me a little more about your setup so I can see what you have?? thanks!


Active Member
Mine is basic 10 gallon kit from Walmart. 10-20 gallon filter 50w heater, lights are corallife 10w 50/50

ins.about 6-8 lbs live rock, feather duster,3 hermits,2 nerites,2 trochus, and 1 margarita snail and 2 peppermint and 2 black clowns. Everythings been doing great for about 6 weeks my tank has been going. Sorry to jump on ya thread ponydesigns.ill start my own soon sorry about that. Your tank looks great though.