10 gal reef

i am getting a 10 gL mini reef but dont know what to put in it i was thinking one clown and some inverts.
what should i put in it?


Active Member
It all depends on what you want. A clown would be a nice addition. I might would add a variety of soft corals would be nice. Some zoos...


Active Member
I've actually found my nano to be incredibly simple. Before I added a skimmer, I did water changes about twice a month (3-5 gallons) and had no problems at all. Now that I have my prizm, I do water change maybe every other month, and again, have had no problems. In a 10g, you have several fish options. There's a multitude of gobies to consider. Shrimp/watchman gobies, clown gobies, neon gobies, etc. There are also several different types of blennies that would be a nice fit. As for clowns, I'd shy away from the larger, more aggressive clowns, and maybe do a skunk or two, percs would also work. Just about any shrimp would work. I have a pistol shrimp, two peppermints, and a scarlet cleaner in my 20g. I also have an emerald crab, two turbo snails, and about 10 cerith/nassarius. They keep the tank very clean, and I've had no problems with them. What kind of lights are you considering?