10 gallon fowlr

What do you guys recommend for a 10 gallon with 5 snails, 6 blue leg hermits and one clown citron goby? i would like something more but have no idea what would work. have come to not so much trust the advice of the local shop.


Active Member
pics? always good!! i have a 10 gallon that is going to be a reef. but you would need lighting for that.
yeah i would love to make it into a reef tank but money is tight at the moment. i am gonna post pictures as soon as i take them.


Active Member
you dont need to nice of a light for that small of a tank. like 50-60 watts of T5 would do you just fine. you could keep any kind of softies and some frogspawn as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
i could keep a frogspawn or softy without getting new lighting or i would have to get the lighting for those?
i dont know what you currently have i was saying you can get a T5 with about 50-60 watts for cheap used or not to bad new and that will allow you to keep softies and frogspawn


Active Member
Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
i have a 20" aquarium fluorescent reflector 19 watt ( its the stock lighting that came with the tank)
that will not let you have any type of corals. but i dont think a used t5 or even new will be to much money. if thats the way you want to go....?


Active Member
+1 I don't think you could keep anything with that light. Maybe mushrooms but not even sure about that. Like patrick said, search around and you will find a cheap light that will work for you. Aim for 40 watts or more, that would be fine for a frogspawn and some softies.
yeah that what i thought you meant. i was just making sure. i think i might get a cleaner shrimp when i return my starfish today. so that should add something more to the tank.


Active Member
Get a sexy shrimp, cleaners get pretty big for a 10 gallon. Cleaner shrimp have whiskers that can get long enough to touch both sides of a 10 gallon. But sexy shrimp are better looking and stay small.


Active Member
+1 on the cleaner shrimps getting big.... but personally i think im gunna add a small one to my tank. i will tank him out if he starts to take over but get like 2-3 sexy shrimp!
ok cool. i will keep an eye out for the sexy shrimp. so next question. how often should i feed the tank ( 1 3/4" citron goby, 6 blue leg hermits)
Ok, so i am feeding every 2 days. My hermits go nuts doing stunt moves when I dump the food in. My goby on the other hand, just stays in his cave. He was out last night when I came home but when he saw me went back into his cave. He doesnt eat when I dump the food in. Is this a concern or should I just keep feeding and hope he is just eating when I am not around?
i have a copepod population is the tank (i think they came on the rock or live sand. and i dunno if he would eat those). i feed krill and mysis shrimp. i have not seen him eat. i think i have had him like 5 days.


Active Member
Have you tried squirting some mysis into the cave that he is in? Call the lfs that you got him from and find out what they were feeding him.