10 Gallon Frag Tank


New Member
Hey all,
I have my Biocube 29 gallon reef, a Biocube 14 gallon and now I want to reset up my 10 gallon.
It is just a standard oak 10 gallon, I plan on using an aquaclear 70 but im not sure if it is too much current. I have a current USA twin 40 watt power compact fixture. Great deal for 40 bucks from someone in my reef club. I know its alot to have 80 watts over a 10 gallon but it can cause any problems can it?
I probably will have some sand and live rock but mostly egg crate to hold plugs.
So what do you think so far? also is a aquaclear 70 too much for a 10g?


Active Member
No an aquaclear 70 isnt too much. Check out Curry. He modded one on his tank. worked out quite well.


Active Member
i would do the aquaclear 70 with a koralia 1. and 80 watts over a 10g isnt that bad at all. make sure the temp is right and you should be good


Are you planning on sps? I don't think acro's will grow under that light. I have a 10 gallon with duel 40 watt pc and I can have monti, but I havn't tried acro in it because I have heard it won't work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by IbanEz
Are you planning on sps? I don't think acro's will grow under that light. I have a 10 gallon with duel 40 watt pc and I can have monti, but I havn't tried acro in it because I have heard it won't work.
you never know if it will or wont.
remember every tank is different.
i have a pico 3g with t5ho 36w in total 2 bulbs and my sps are doing fine.


New Member
No SPS for the moment. My aquariums are really cranking out kenya trees and polyps right now.
It might be something to try eventually but if it doesnt work out i wont be that upset.
But yea thanks for the post, i think the aquaclear 70 will be a good fit for 19 bucks.