10 gallon ideas


So I was thinking about turning my 10 gallon aquarium into a nano reef. I only had a few questions about starting it up.
1) what size light would be good for this tank. I was just planning on getting PC's
2) should i just stick with one nano power head or go with 2?
3) what kind of fish could i put in here?
I was thinking about keeping a pair of harlequins, but their diet seems a bit costly. I was thinking of maybe keeping the starfish in my 55 and let the harlequin feed on it every few weeks or so.
I was also planning on just having GSP EVERYWHERE( I have 3 different color shades, so i thought it would be neat)


as for lighting i think PCs will be just fine for such a small tank. i have 48 watts lighting up a 20 gallon (24 white; 24 actinic) so that should just tell you u dont need much for the ten.
fish? gobies... blennies.. small nano fishessss. and i would stick with a nano koralia. i use just one nano koralia in my bc14.


Active Member
coastie did you email me yet?
you can get a clown if you want. pc are good for softies and lps. nano koralia is great!


ok so 1 koralia nano. also do i need one for a biocube(mom doesnt have one) we've been thinking about grabbing one since shes starting to get slime algae.
I was thinking about a firefish or royal gramma(maybe both?) clownfish is a possibility. I have a pair of onyx and I love the black ones.
Does anyone have any expierience with harlequin shrimp and their feeding? really intersted in that.
also what size light would be good? i just want PCs since i plan on just having GSP


Active Member
any size and any wattage as well. GSP dont need that much light. lol
and yep get a koralia but the 1 not the nano.
and royal gramma are good