10 gallon nano question


what would i need to set up a 10 gallon nano and keep moderate difficulty corals? i was thinking
10 gallon set up, with hood and small whisper filter
10 pounds of sand
2 15 watt compact flourecent 50/50 bulbs(screw into incandescent sockets)
1 small aquaclear powerhead, 100gph
7-10 pounds lr
5 pounds base rock
or if you guys could be me some examples of other set-ups, it would be much appreciated
am i on the right track? would this tanks weigth be supported by a desk?


im no expert but im sure everyone else here would agree on ok with everything but the lighting. for a 10 gal you would need ....say a 2x32watt pc. thats what brooklyn johnny uses i believe. i think they run under $100. also, if all you have is a small whisper filter, you would at least want to have 100% cured live rock and sand, with as many little critters as possible.
i have my current 10 gal on a desk........it all depends on the desk though, haha.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Hey cazmento... I had actually a 2 x 36 watt setup on my 10 gallon. There is a very long thread in this forum that profiles it and will provide good information... here it is... . If you have more questions I'd be happy to try and help...
Oh and by the way, if you can sit on your desk it will hold a ten gallon, unless you're one of those "advanced kids" that started college at 7 years old...
Good luck...


Active Member
Definitely make sure your desk can support it.
I have a 29T tank on my desk, but I made sure to put the tank right above the supports, solid steel supports. Then to be sure, I stacked cinder blocks in a stack or two under the desk, all the way up to the top so it gave added support in front. Never had a problem in two years.


thanx guys, ive decided that i will put the tand on a file cabinet close to the desk.do they make screw in PC bulbs of that wattage?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
PC bulbs aren't really screw in, they are push in. 36 watt bulbs are straight pin base, while the 32 watters are square pin base. Here is what the end of the 36 watters look like...