10 gallon sump enough??


New Member
i currently have a 40 gallon tank and wanted to set it up as a reef tank. i want to build my own sump/fuge and was wondering what the minimum gallon capacity it should be. i have an extra 10 gallon hanging around and was wondering if that was a large enough sump for my tank. i would probably want to have the skimmer and heater and what not in there so i would add acrylic partitions to create compartments in the sump. so back to the original questiion .... is a 10 gallon a good size to create a sump with or should it be bigger?


New Member
sorry i don't know much skimmers and what not ... i too am new to this hobby ... trying to figure out as much about this as i can :confused:


New Member
i see ... well then i guess i'll have to see about this ten gallon and how much water it actually holds ... thanks for the info

kevin j

I have a ten gallon sump for my 75 gallon so for your 40 it should be just fine. You will just have to play with it. When my power goes out I have about two inches to spare. You have to take into consideration when the power goes out the water from your skimmer goes in there what ever the overflow can suck down untill the suction is stopped and you must drill a small hole into the return so it breaks that siphon or it will cotinue to pump water. It can be done just plan for the worst and you will be fine.
Hope this helps


Active Member
Yah i agree i think a 10 should be plenty enough for a 40. But you may just want to spring for a 20 high for the extra water volume and a little added room to work with pumps and your skimmer.