10 gallon tank easy!?


why does everyone say maintaining a 10 gallon tank is difficult?
Hi, I have a 10gallon tank and I just tested my parameters. I had been testing the parameters every 2 days but its been six days since I last tested so I went ahead and tested it today. I dont understand whats so difficult about this. Can somebody explain please? My parameters are listed below. Im not being ungrateful im just wondering what makes this so difficult!?
Date: 09/02/2007
PH: 8.2
AMM: 0
HYDROMETER: 1.036 (Evaporation caused this so I added water and its fine, it will be tested tomorrow to make sure its at the optimum level!)
Calcium: 340(17 drops)
KH: 250 (16 drops)


Active Member
more water is more forgiving..
with less water ur permaeters can swing faster. and build faster and need more maintenence..
eveytthing is cheaper too!

with my 90 i add cold RO water to the tank.. and if i did tht with a 10 the tank would be dead due to temp shock lol


I always thought things would be more costly with a larger tank... I was going to pick up a 56 gallon tank today but the cost of setting it up and the proper filter would be a whole lot more than what I have on my 10gallon. Where exactly is it cheaper?


Active Member
Originally Posted by pakora
I always thought things would be more costly with a larger tank... I was going to pick up a 56 gallon tank today but the cost of setting it up and the proper filter would be a whole lot more than what I have on my 10gallon. Where exactly is it cheaper?

well bigger tank means more lr/ls..
if u want reef u need larger lights. which is more money..
ur filter system.. with nano u can do aHOB and be done.. with a biggertank u should do a sump but i have a HOB and skimmer one mine..

and with a nano u dont really need a skimmer.
bigger tank means more fish.. more moneyy especially the nice ones..


I have a 20g Long and WOW every little thing can throw it out of wack.
I am setting up my 55. It will cost me more money now but less time keeping it up.