10 gallon tank


Can anyone help me out with the right set up for a 10 gallon tank. Such as the right filter, lights, etc.. I want to have some LS, LR, a few corals and shrooms as well as a perc. Also, how hard is it to actually keep a 10 gallon tank water peramiters good? I have a 75 gallon tank that i got from someone not to long ago and it has been fairly easy to maintain.
One more quick question. How would i go about cycling this tank? Thanks alot!


First of all . . . . . NO FILTER NEEDED! thats if you are planning on having LR and LS. You can do any kind of lighting that you want VHO, Power Compact, Metal halide, you could even put a floresent bulb strip light over it. As far as the water parimeters go its difficult you have to do weekly water changes , you should test your water every week , amd its your choice to do additives but that just leads to more testing . . . . . . . :D


the LR and LS will do it for you :D
but you will need circulation in your tank ... a PH will work for that


in a 10?
a 201 powerhead will work .. something that does a good job :p
you might even be able to ask your LFS which one in particular... they might actualy get it right


when you start to get coraline algea on it .. it may inpose on the sweeping on the powerhead


ONe more question....for now
So far in the tank I have LS and a zebra damsil. Should I add a clam or some snails? I'm not sure what I should add and when. Ive driven like 100 miles looking at LR but I cant find anything that catches my eye.


i think the stationary is better .. but give the sweeping a chance.. i'd like to know how that works for you .. as far as your other question i dont think i get what your asking... can you rephrase the question :)


OK, should I add a clam or some snails to my tank? I just ordered a 96watt quad light. Hopefully that wors out good. I plan on building a canopy for it soon. Should I use a glass top with that light or no?


is it the coralife 96w quad?
if it is it's a great light and i just got the legs for it ... also .. i took off the glass and replaced it with egg-crate
also .. i think snails would be a better way to go .. .a few turbo, nass.


yeah it's the coralive 96watt. I just found out that they sent it to Iowa instead of wisconsin.....looks like i'll be waiting another week for it to get to me. Do you think that the light will bleach out pinks and oranges in the corals?


That light should be fine. Bleaching wont be a problem. If you are going to go the natural filtration way, which I do as well on my nano tanks. Make sure you use plenty of LR and LS. Current and surface agitation is very important w/ this setup. So consider 2 PHs or a PH and a small HOB filter w/no element.


I use a penguin 125 without the biowheel. I use it to run carbon a couple times a week
and I use a rio 600 ph


Active Member
in my nano, i have a 10 gallon with a filter on it....i do water change's very rarely...i have a power head in it pushing around 200gph....and i also have a bio filter designed for a 40 gallon tank on it....my fish (2 clowns) and my live rock do quite well..i run a normal light, because the tank is next to a window....
good luck