10 Gallon Tank


What do u recommend having in a 10 gallon tank. Whether it be fish or equipment. I recently bought one and am curious what is good to have for it.

zack schwartz

Active Member
I stared with a 29 and it brought me wonders. Having a small tank is hard because you really can't have the cool loking fish like wrasses, tangs, and butterflies. You could maybe go with a clown or two or a damles. But if you do get a lr!!!! ;)


I have a 20 hex that has been up and running for 6 months. Never lost a fish yet.
My equiptment is a whisper 1 or a second nature 1 hang on filter from the tank when it was fresh, I had two filters both were broke so I put them together to make 1 so i don't know what it really is. It has a single 18000k reg flo light. It also has avery cheap heater. That is all it has for equiptment.
As far as what is in the tank is not much but it looks very nice its agreat conversation piece,
4 inches of cc and two 4 stripes and 1 blue damselfish. They have been in there for close to six months. Up until this weekend it had no lr. but now it has close to 20lbs.
The fish and the lr are from my 38 that i am in the process of reconfiguring. which has been up and running fro over a year.
I do water changes religiously once a week, about 5 gallons in each tank.
If i miss one day in a water change the ph goes to hell, nothing else really has gone bad yet(water parameters).
How ever they are only Damsels and I do feed very small amounts.
I use the tank as a qt for now. I plan on a light upgrade and adding some hearty corals and hope that all goes well.
I suggest it if you do not have alot of money and if you have the time.
A lot of people told me it would not work,so i tried. And is all well.
Good Luck
And Go For It


I have a 10gal with just a couple of peices of LR and about an inch of LS...It has an eclipse hood, it all started as a Q tank but kinda went from there...I used LR and water out of my main tank and everything is great...Just have a blue damsel in their right now...I am thinking of putting a few hardy corals in it...It can be done :)
good luck


I actually have a semi-reef soon to be the home for a pair of false percs. Well as far as equipment goes, I list them on the bottom of the message. I also list the live stock in my tank too. I bought my hood from *****, actually all of my dry goods came from ***** <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> . I eventually change my lighting to the JBJ 18W. if you have any question, feel free to ask.