10 gallon

vinny 10

New Member
I have a 10 gallon tank for about 3 months already. I am having problems with my tank theres alot of red algie, i already did some water change and it did not work at all. plz help

brad pitt

if u don't have any fish or corals in there then do a 50% water change. after that (make sure u have no corals) go to ur LfS and buy something that will kill it. ask the people who work there. if they dont have anything then just scrap it off and continue to do water changes because that is "red slime" and it WILL 100% come back. (unless you dont kill it with medication)


Get red slime remover. After that I would recommend using seachem's phosphate remover in a bag and stick it in your filter.
If that doesn't do it, if you are using a chemical that doses strontium I would stop. I do not know why, but the red slime in my tanks went away when I stopped adding it; besides if you have a good sand you should not need to add strontium.