10 Red Bellies Pr.4Sail NYCity


I have ten Red Bellies for sale. I have raised them since babies they are 20 months old. All of them are about 5" to 7" and in a 90 gallon tank with two Fluvals running. I change 25% of the water every week. I use the watse water from my RO/DI unit, big improvment from tap water. They will have to be picked up in New York city, I will only sell them as a group of ten. I won't seperate the family. I will only let them go to someone with a 90 gallon or larger tank. I can Email picures at request. RedPirah@aol.com


You use the waste water from your RO/DI to do water changes? In other words, the water that the unit rejects and uses to flush the contaminants off the membrane, you use to do water changes with? Why have an RO/DI at all, if you're just postponing the addition of the contaminants into your tank?


If he has what I think he has its not waste water but instead it travels through all the cartridges except the membrane. Still I am curious why not just give the fish the benefit of the whole system. I use the excess water for drinking water.


I use the aucual RO/DI water for my reef tank. And instead of letting the water go down the drain I use it for my fresh water tanks. The water out of my tap mesures at about 160 ppm and the waste water from my RO/DI mesures at about 50ppm so its a lot better than tap since it passes thru a 1 micron sediment filter and a carbon block.