10 Sharks Die At Pittsburgh Zoo


Another sad story.....

PITTSBURGH -- Human error is suspected in the deaths of 10 sharks at the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium.
Officials said water containing a harmful chemical was accidentally pumped into their tank, killing the black-tip sharks and a puffer fish.
Staff members noticed the problem almost immediately when it happened Saturday, but were unable to save the animals.
The zoo's president said they're investigating how the ozone gas, which is used to purify water, got into the tank.
It's not the first time the aquarium has lost sharks. In October 2002, eight sharks died from a variety of causes.


This is horribly sad that aquarium was beautiful and the sharks were finally healthy again after the cyanide accident that occured in 2002.
This aquarium is 2.5 stories high and has a spiral walkway leading the way down. Beautifull but I personally feel that until they can determine why 2 deadly accidents occured they should not restock the aquiarium. Why restock when so much is lost by human error


Active Member
That really stinks. The sad part is marine biologists make diddely for pay, and that is if their paychecks don't bounce. I am sure that these biologists feel AWFUL (as they should), and I hope that politics doesn't interfere with the display from continuing.
The public aquariums get the general populace interested in the ocean, which is the 1st and most important step in preserving it. I am sure that much good research is going on in that tank as well... which would be a shame to put a stop to.