100% crab meat???


Active Member
Its like feeding them a peice of rubber. Alot of the nutrients and vitamins are lost in the cooking process too.
Im sure there are more reasons. :notsure:


Active Member
the biggest problem from feeding proccessed(cooked sefood) is you dont know what else has been porccesed on the equipment or cooked in it it can contain preservatives or other nasties that can poison your tank. so yes it is potentially fatal for all inhabitants not just the critter consuming it. fresh from the deli section is safe frozen is raw is safe. cooked never.


i don't even think that they will eat cooked food will they? i was thawing out some shrimp one time, and left in the microwave too long. they wouldn't eat it. nothing would. not even crabs.


i purchase seafood already packaged, crab,shrimp, mussel..process it freeze it and feed it...17 months now..IMO, its not harmful..but everyone has their own opinion.