100 gallon build


So I got a decent deal on this the hardest part was going to pick it up.
I bought it a few weeks ago and I have been waiting on the money to come in to finish my project of refinishing the stand and building the custom canopy. I do not have pictures of the stand nor canopy just yet but I will get them soon, what I have now are just what I bought and they are getting a serious overhaul.
Like I said this is not my set-up, when I finish my stand and canopy it is going to have a lot more rock and all that fun stuff.



Not 100% sure but from what I think they are like 60" L x 18 1/2" W x 24" T.
I think I have been meaning to go out and measure it but am too lazy when I get home from work. On Monday I am going to post some picture's of the stand and canopy, well what I have thus far but you will be able to see my progress.


Originally Posted by mkroher
why is the water level so low?
why is there a heater in the display tank when there is a sump?
Okay I don't know why the water level is so low, that wasn't my set-up, that is what it looked like before I bought it so I have no clue.
As for the heater, The reason it is not in the sump is because there was a wet/dry underneath the tank and I don't know why it was like that.
I am looking at trying to pick up a 30 gallon sump and then that will be under the tank so I am going to have my heater down there so those are my plans.


Well first off I only get to work on this on my weekends which are monday's and tuesday's, so the update's come slow.
This is what I did,
I took the stand and the canopy to the basemenet and stripped the stand completely, the canopy is being thrown away and I am building a custom canopy with lighting installed on the lid. Here are a few pictures of the stand without the doors and the lid, upside down, and the side and back part of the canopy (not finished yet but getting there).



Okay one step closer. This is the stand after it was stained and the canopy, I am debating on putting on one more coat but not sure. I am also thinking about choosing some of those door handles, in the first picture, to put on there and make it look somewhat nice and into the hobby.



Originally Posted by fishkid13
Looks like it is progessing nicely!
I like the long shell handle myself... Keep us posted.
Yeah I like the long shell and then for the doors on the canopy I was going to go with the fish. I tried to get my wife involved but that isn't working out that well. I wanted to go to lowes yesterday and pick out a stain but she didn't want to, then when I got home I looked and I tested it and I liked the way that looked. As for my doors I might try and find some rought iron and just put two around the doors on the stand and two around the doors on the canopy but not sure. I am trying to make this thing look really nice but I just hate trying to build something without the proper tools so I might just keep it simple, for now at least. I mean later down the road I can always build something bigger, nicer, and better. Thanks for the comment, I enjoy hearing how other's like my work.

eric b 125

i like it dude! things are coming together nicely!!! i agree w/ your picks on the handles. i say go for the long shell and the fish. it is subtleties like this that really add to projects. keep up the good work!

gill again68

Active Member
I used the same hardware for my cabinet. I used the seahorses for the doors and the long shells for the canopy. Looking good!

small triggers

Active Member
I LOVE THE LONG SHELLS!!! thats probably why i put them on mine when i built it, lol but my stand is black,,, so its totally different


I keep hearing about powerheads and well I was wondering which ones to get I know I am going to go with the Koriala's, but I was thinking the 3 or 4 model.
If I go with either, which model and how many?
If you guys could please help me that would be great and thank you in advance. Just another bump on the log before I get everything set up.

small triggers

Active Member
since this is going to be a reeft tank,, yu are probably need about 20X + tank turn over rate, so depending on your return pump GPH rating usually 2 or 3 powerheads will help....just depends on what you are going to put in the tank...and after you get it set up to figure out where the low flow spots are...

gill again68

Active Member
I put 2 of the 4s in my 90gal and 1 of the 2s. I also placed one on the back glass facing the front glass at an glance. The other is on the opposite side glancing off the front glass. The (2) is on the back glass facing directly into the front glass splitting the tank in 2 parts. Watching this flow you can see the current switch from one direction to the next. Unexpected result but hey I will take luck.


"yep thats it just two sections but the one thing i would do different is the way you have the bubble traps, you have the water running over, under,over i have mine set up like that as well but the one thing i found out is that you will trap detrius in between that section of the glass and can be a bit of a pain to remove. i would do it reverse and have it run under,over,under, that will make it much easier to clean, and the second bubble trap will determine the water level in the first section with the skimmer."
So that is what someone told me and I was wondering about other people's feedback on that. Also here is an update;
Anywho I got my stand just about done and ready to be painted and I was looking at it and well it was just way to short for me and I was not happy with that. With that I decided to build a new one. Originally I was going to just take all the supports out and replace them with taller 2"x4" 's but part of the base broke off that was already broken and I had fixed. I thought about it and I figured to nip that problem in the but right away and not have to worry about it down the road.
So I went over to Lowes and bought some nice, straight, new 2"x4"s and started to make a new stand. Now the old one was 27" tall, and now the new one has the support's at 33" and the total overall height of 36". With this I wont have to sit down to see my fish or coral's and is still a reasonable height to do any kind of work I need to in, on, or under than tank.
Tuesday I painted the inside with and I am going to be getting some plywood to add around the outside and I will hopefully be finishing this project after Christmas. I might be getting a new router so that would make it a good time to get some 2" x 1" pine to make my door's and I can make them perty.
Well that leaves me where I am at now, at work but updating what I am doing. The canopy is still not done, I need some hinges and a router to make the door's for that. Was thinking of making a 5 gallon nano tank in my bathroom just to add some prettiness to there. Not sure yet.


So a new update: I am still working on building the stand and well it is coming along I just can't cut a straight line with my skill saw so I have to go over it a few times to get a good cut. I don't have a miter saw so it is hard to make the doors but I think I am going to be a little creative and not have the 45 degree angled corners. I have decided to just get some more 1" x 2" and just cut them the right lenghts and but on up against the side so to say to make the doors. It will add a little creativity and it is not something you see everyday, well I don't see.
Also I was at my LFS and I was looking at ballasts and I saw this over there so I decided to pick one up. The price wasn't bad and well, why not start piecing the lighting together and by the time I can get everything I will have everything. I figure I am giong to have 6 to 8 T5's so why not start getting these.


Okay after thinking and looking at everything on a website I have decided to mainly go with some LPS's for my tank. Once it get's set-up that is. But I just went through a list of them and I enjoy their color's a bit more and that is what I want. I want color.