100 gallon reef 4 months old


I finally got my 100 gallon tank up and running. I successfully maintained a 10g reef for nearly 3 years. My 100g has been up ang running for 4 months, and I started the cycle about 3 months ago and just this week started to move some of my inhabitants from my 10g to my 100g.
so far I have moved some yellow polyps, a green lobo (devil's hand leather), and my clown. the clown is doing great but the yellow polyps and the leather arent doing well.
now I have picked up some shrooms and some zoas as hichhikers and they are doing great.
I have 80w pc over the 10g and I have 3x250w mh over the 100g do any of you think that the change in lighting is what is having an adverse effect on the corals that I am moving over?


IMO yes, I'm looking at doing the same and from what I've read you have to acclimate them to the stronger light. Use your mh for 4hrs a day and see if that helps. If you have athinics run them for your normal light period and grdually increase your mh over a week or 2


I'm using 20k mh lights and currently have no actinics the thing I am most worried about is my derasa clam, I have had it since it was about 3 inches and it is now about 6-7 inches. I still have it in my 10g because it would break my heart to lose it.


thanks for all the help
so I put one of my peppermint shrimp into the 100g wednesday night and thursday he was dead. any thoughts?


Active Member
u need to aclimate the zoos and corals to ur light, thats alot more light than there used to, but since there already in there they should eventually come out