100% water change??????


Ok I need opinions....
I am changing my 55g to a 125g this weekend.
I am having the saltwater delivered to my house and the guy asked if I am going to fill up with the water that is being delivered or if I am going to use what I have on my 55g as well and then fill the rest?
I am not sure....
Should I just use my sand and rocks and replace all of the water?
Or should I reuse the water that I already have in my 55g?
I should say the price will be the same either way.


Active Member
Well, you should fill the 125 with all new water and run and test for leaks or changes and if good then start mixing the water from the two tanks. Take a bucket from the 55 and dump it in the 125 and then a bucket from the 125 and dump in the 55 and so on untill you feel the water in both is the same. This is basicly acclimateing every thing for the new tank. Then move all the rock to the new tank and all of the sand too. You should use as much of the old rock and sand as you can because it is live and need this for bio filtration in the new tank that will have none. this will hopefully prevent a new cycle from happening in the new tank. Let the water in the new tank calm down from any clowdiness and then you can move the fish and corals if you have them. Good luck. I did this same thing when i moved to my 120 into my 180 and all went well.


That would be ideal if I could have both up at the same time.
I need to tear down the 55g before I even set up the 125.
I have heard that changing all of the water will not hurt anything since I am putting the live rock and sand back in.


i would use as much as i could from the 55. then use the rest from the guy. use ur sand and live rock, so u dont have a cycle. or do like dogstar. thats a good idea. but u want the 55 gone before the next tank comes? then ur goin to have to use rubbermaid containers and fill them up with the water and sand,rock. im not sure about changing all the water, since im sure u goin to have to add some more sand, or r u getting sand with the tank? if its live ur ok if its dead play sand u mite go through a mini cycle.

the claw

Active Member
You should use the old water no question. And you should utilize your rocks and sand as well. You are going to go through a mini cycle no mattter what from disturbing the substrate. You'll need to store your livestock in a rubbermaid probably.
Good luck. ITS ALOT OF WORK. THen I suggest you don't go on any business trips for the next month.


I would use a strong ph or pump with a long hose to transfer the water.
Would be cleaner and alot less labor.
I would use eveything you have to spare. I'm thinking you will have a small cycle too.


Ok I am greatful for everyones response.
But as I stated in my original post I AM using my existing sand and rock. I will add more live sand though.
The question was, with all of that in mind, is it ok to replace all of the water?
If not, I would like to know why?


Active Member
Should try to acclimate everything to the new water. Like I said mix it in while things are in the buckets or containers cause the bio life in the rocks and sand and snails, crabs ( realy dont know what all you have but posted in reefs ) pods, ect. will die if new water is much different from old water. after mixing and later placeing everything in then you can discared whatever water is left in the containers.


I wouldn't use the old water there is no real point. I would put your Livestock in a couple of rubbermaids, tear down the tank put up the new, put in the sand and LR, fill it with new water and let it sit for a day or 2. Watch for ammonia because that is usually what is released when moving the sand, the ammonia will be broken down by your LR to nitrates and when they are at a safe level start acclimating things. Make sure you get more water than needed for emergencies and for changing water in the rubbermaids.