100gal FOWLR Stocking - Take your best shot! :)

Ok guys...Trying to figure out what to put in my new 100 gal tank. This is my first pass. I want a fairly aggressive tank with movement, but don't really want any fighting.
Snowflake Eel
Dog Faced Puffer x 2
Lion Fish (Ant. or Radi.)
Harlequin Tusk
Maroon Clown
This combination would result in approximately 1" of fish per 2 gal of water when all the fish are fully matured. But that is a couple years down the road. To start off, it will probably be more like 1" per 4 gal of water.
Threw in the last fish so that I could get a few flames going! :)
1" per 5 gallons? Not sure what you mean. I'm guessing that when the juv. fish are first added, I will end up with around 1" per 4 gallons, but as they mature, that number will decrease down to 1" per 2" at full maturity.
Having two dog faced puffers may be overkill and an overload to the tank in the long run since they are so messy. So, I may have to look for a new home for one of the larger fishes down the road.
Any other comments?
Come on guys....Give me a little more help. Ok, so I have too many fishes on my wish list. Let me cut it back a little. The tank was purchased with the puffers in mind and I really would like two. So, if I add the two puffers and a snow flake eel, that would put me at roughly 1" per 4 gal, without figuring in the eel. So, that is two fish (I know, they are like little floating pigs) and an eel that will hide most of the time. Is that ALL I can add? The puffers that my lfs has are only about two inches now. That means that I will have two, 2" fish in a 100 gal tank? If that is the way it has to be, so be it.


you should be ok with the sfe, one puffer, one of those lions...as far as the H. tusk personally i think you could probably get away with it as long as you have good filtration...
but i don't think that 2 puffers is a good idea and i think it's pretty much unanimous (sp?) about the maroon..
Ok....I agree with you guys. Here are my comments:
Dog Faced Puffers: In a larger tank, having two puffers COULD be possible, but it would be a risk. But just about any combination of aggresive fish is a risk. My gut feeling is that if I only wanted two puffers and nothing else in a 100 gal tank, it might work, but adding additional fish would cause to much stress.
Lionfish: I'm pretty much on the fence here. I think they are beautiful fish, but they are not active and they can accidently kill other larger fish if the larger fish runs into them, say during a feeding frenzy. So, I think that if I decide on a lionfish, a dwarf in this size aquarium would be a better choice.
Maroon Clown: This was interesting. These fish are suppose to be one of the most aggressive clown fish and also one of the largest. If I remember correctly, these fish are suppose to be able to get up to 5-6" in length. Now I have heard horror stories about perculas being eaten whole. My question is....Who has personally had problems with a dog faced puffer and a maroon clownfish? Keep the lionfish out of the equation, because a Volitan lion at full size, COULD take out the clown and I agree that the risk would be too much.
By the way....Thanks for all the feedback. It is very helpful to hear others comments because sometimes, it is easy to convince yourself that your right and what your reading is wrong! :)


well i'm not a puffer expert but if you decided to do just a puffer/maroon clown tank and you introduced the clown first and it was a good size(3"-4") before you introduced a puffer i would think it would be ok...
but i don't have alot of experience with puffers so hopefully someone else will comment on my comment :p