100's of tube worms dissapeared overnight!


Hi everyone... been a really long time since I have posted. So here is where I am at. I have a 90 Gal FOWLR. I have neglected it for some time now, except cleaning and feeding regularly. I only had two Ocellaris Clownfish in there for about a year. (With a CB Shrimp and various snails, etc) Well I did a good cleaning and wanted to add some fish. Added some stripped Damsels, an emerald crab and 2 fighting conchs. Everything seemed fine the first couple days. Well this morning when turning on my lights, I heard some splashing and looked up. One of the clownfish was going absolutely crazy! I’m talking flipping and turning more times than you could count. So I immediately turned off all electrical components thinking something has created a charge in the water. It went on for another 10-15 seconds probably, then the fish sunk to the bottom and was breathing very heavy. Anyway that was about 7 am. I just came home now at 10:30 and he seemed fine! Everyone else in the tank seems ok to, except for the part where hundreds of tube worms were on my LR are now gone... each and every one. I did notice this yesterday or the day before. I accounted that to me moving locations of some Koralia power heads and they needed to acclimate to the new flow, but I have not seen one yet.
Anyone with some tips or info would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
... the last days of 2012, we will witness strange and unexplainable events....
All kidding aside,.... i have no idea. i hope you get it figured out soon.