Selling everything i have for $1500
105 gallon oceanic tank w/built in overflow, oak stand and matching canopy
Brand new lights
50 lbs of Florida Ag. Live Rock and 50lbs sand
Red Sea Skimmer
3 powerheads
2 heaters
2 pumps
1 1 ft long volitan lion (ALL FISH ARE HEALTHY)
1 6 inch Sailfin Tag
1 1 ft long eel
1 chocolate chip starfish
1 6 inch bridle burrfish
2 urchin
4 snails
2 nets
1 large mag float
1 algae scraper
1 cipon tube
1 bucket for mixing water
Think thats about it!!!!!
105 gallon oceanic tank w/built in overflow, oak stand and matching canopy
Brand new lights
50 lbs of Florida Ag. Live Rock and 50lbs sand
Red Sea Skimmer
3 powerheads
2 heaters
2 pumps
1 1 ft long volitan lion (ALL FISH ARE HEALTHY)
1 6 inch Sailfin Tag
1 1 ft long eel
1 chocolate chip starfish
1 6 inch bridle burrfish
2 urchin
4 snails
2 nets
1 large mag float
1 algae scraper
1 cipon tube
1 bucket for mixing water
Think thats about it!!!!!