10g sand question


:notsure: I have a 10g with 20lbs live sand that has just finished it's cycle, so i just did a 25% water change. My question is, while i was adding the new water some of the sand got moved around a little and now it has hard chunks in it?? the surface is no longer smooth but chunky, like when your sugar get's those chunks in it. I have a 75g also and this never happened, what causes this?? should i break up the chunks?? I jus want to make sure i don't have a problem before i add any inhabitants, thanx. :help:
my water parms:
Ph 8.0
Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- 10
S.G. - 1.025


Active Member
While you were adding the water from the water change or the initial fill up? If it was the new water to replinish the old water, could it be because it was a different temp? How did you age the new mix?


Active Member
you should also have some flow near the sand so it wil lsmooth out eventually. Plus you need some critters to stir up the sand (like some nassirus snails or hermit crabs). You could smooth it out by hand - but I'd make sure you also try to get some bristle worms in there!!
I don't think it is a sign of a problem. Could be as CPRdNICK said - a different water temp our some other change in water checmistry to could it out fo whack - but I would doubt it - sounds like you don't have anything in your tank stirring up the sand!