10g Tanks


IM new, and was thinking about setting up a 10g tank, but I see all these tanks here (they are very nice btw), and most appear to be cube, or taller>wider shaped tanks.
I have an old 10g walmart tank that I thought I might use (of course I wont use the filter that comes with it (unless someone says otherwise (I doubt anyone would =P)
Im just wondering if the shape will really matter
also, this will be my first tank, and Ive read quite a bit about larger volume tanks being more stable, therefor easier for begginners, but I simply dont have enough room for a large tank so this will have to do.
I know some people get a bit touchy on the subject of newbs like me starting something like this because it can be very difficult (I guess they fear someone killing a poor innocent fish with their ignorance), but just to prevent flames, I just wanna point out that whatever Im getting into, im not about to give up, or become tired of doing half way through. This is something I have wanted for a several years and just now can start because I got a job.
one more question, do SWF need heaters? Im guess yes, but I would like to be 100% sure =P


Active Member
And welcome to the boards. The shape doesnt really matter. You can use the tank you got just make sure you clean it out really good (NO SOAP!). I also would recommend getting a new filter because the ones you get in those packs arent really that good. Do you no wat type it is? And yes SW tanks do need a heater.
Hope it helps
and Good luck on your tank


Im not sure what kindof of filter it is, I was looking for the box it came in, but appearantly I threw it out.
Im sure most of you guys have walked through the walmart pet section at least once before and seen one of those package tank deals, thats what I have, I have the filter that came with the package. Ive had the set for about five years.
About the heater, its submersable, and was wondering if it matters where its placed. When my tank was freshwater I kept it submerged horizontal along the back wall behind my little display. But since im sure ill be getting live rock for my tank, I dont know if the rocks could become an obstruction of the heat.


Active Member
I see those tanks all the time. They all are different with the filters, chances are, you are probably going to have to get a new 1. I recommend a bio-wheel filter. I have had that on all my FW tank and my 29g SW. With the heater you can place it vertical or horizontal, doesnt really matter. I dont think the LR will matter if its in front of it. Just make sure that you dont crack the glass on your heater with your LR


hmmm...im pretty sure they are all the same filter, just different size
anyways I did plan on getting a new one anyways, thanks for the help in that area
next question :D
Should I just use the regular hood that goes with the tank, or go hoodless? The hood has a panel built into it that protects the light from evaporation (that was my understanding of it) is it necesssary though?
What I really mean is besides the heater and the filter, will there be anymore peices of equipment I need haning on my tank, because I might not have enough room with the hood in the way


Active Member
i would also reccomend getting a new CERAMIC heater if the one you have is glass... glass heaters have the nasty habit of breaking and frying tanks.


lol, thats what happened with the orginal heater, luckily the it wasnt running when it happened, as a matter of fact I dot even know how it broke, I just looked in my tank one day and saw a peice of glass in the gravel, and I looked at my heater and wading type stuff was hanging from it =P
Im trying to go as cheap as possible though so if its not neccasary to get a new heater I wont


Active Member
i understand. but remember, if your planning on doing this right, be prepared to spend 500- 1000 dollars on this tank, depending on if you want fowlr or reef. if you cant afford or are not willing to spend that much, this probably isnt the hobby for you. sorry, not trying to put you off, but its better to know now what your getting into.


I think I can do it for less then 500 =P
and its not like I need to spend a fortune on live rock or sand since its only 10g, was thinking just getting 60-80$ worth of live rock, and getting (I dont know the term) non live sand
and with no corals theres really no need for expensive lighting


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
i understand. but remember, if your planning on doing this right, be prepared to spend 500- 1000 dollars on this tank, depending on if you want fowlr or reef. if you cant afford or are not willing to spend that much, this probably isnt the hobby for you. sorry, not trying to put you off, but its better to know now what your getting into.

ya, you dont want to learn that out the hard way. Cheaper maybe better now but to replace all the stuff will end up costing u more


Originally Posted by alix2.0
i understand. but remember, if your planning on doing this right, be prepared to spend 500- 1000 dollars on this tank, depending on if you want fowlr or reef. if you cant afford or are not willing to spend that much, this probably isnt the hobby for you. sorry, not trying to put you off, but its better to know now what your getting into.

I Know they can cost alot, but im not gonna go overboard, I just want something simple and enjoyable, I dont want the fancy corals just yet
What I mean by being cheap is not just buying lower quality, but with those heaters, if they both heat just as well but one breaks easier and is 3x cheaper, Ill take the cheaper one, Ill just have to be more careful
and I know simple doesnt mean less work, I know because of the size ill have to put more effort into then most tank owners
what else do I need/should I get besides a new filter (im keeping my heater)


do you, or anyone else, have any idea of a price range for a hydrometer/refractometer
protein skimmer a neccesity?


ok im looking through the FAQs a bit more before I ask anymore questions now :)
I beleive this is my last question
what is a good way to aquire optimal water flow
at my LFS Ive seen a rotating..."thing" with 2 paddles that extended about 6 inches from the side wall that it was mounted on, but thats huge, way huge for a 10g tank
any reccomendantions for anything that will help circulation would be nice


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dlauber
ok im looking through the FAQs a bit more before I ask anymore questions now :)
I beleive this is my last question
what is a good way to aquire optimal water flow
at my LFS Ive seen a rotating..."thing" with 2 paddles that extended about 6 inches from the side wall that it was mounted on, but thats huge, way huge for a 10g tank
any reccomendantions for anything that will help circulation would be nice
Just get 2 small powerheads and put them in the 2 back corners creating an X. Im not sure if you need it... but i would recommend it. I dont no what thing is at your LFS. Keep the questions coming here, im on a roll


about the power heads....arent they used in undergravel filters?
and I thought you cant use undergravel filters with sand....or can I set up the power heads with out the undergravel filter


Active Member
It is also used for creating a water flow (and powering undergravel fliters). It creates a jetstream of water.


...nvm, I just gotta find one with suction cups, and turn it so the suction comes from the top, I dont want my sand blowing everywhere
my friend has 2 powerheads to operate the undergravel filter on his fresh water tank, and they sit on the tubes that rise from the undergravel filter
I was under the impression that they had to be like this
...and now I recall that his came with suction cups to help support it, but the suction is kindof like an open hole, any smal critters could get caught in it, I just googled some where the suction passess through one of those bubbly stone things (cant remember waht they are called...Zzzzz), Ill have to find one like that