
i use my mini for re-curing live rock, breeding pods for my mandarin...can be used as a quarantine / hospital tank. or, use as a single-species tank, perhaps for seahorses, etc.
not to small at all. People have succesfully kept 1 gallon and .75 gallon tanks. That is great for a nano reef. Thats what im doing...its much harder though


Active Member
If I had a 10 gallon tank, I would probably set up a nano reef with soft corals such as mushrooms. I'd also get a mated pair of clownfish and perhaps an anemone. Maybe a 1 inch shallow sand bed to make it look more "ocean authentic." :D
It would also be a great QT tank if you have a larger display tank.


well ive got a 60g display tank....im leaning towards a qt tank at first....im gonna start buyin fish next week.....and then maybe truning it into a nano....why are nanos more work and harder to keep...it seems like it would be easier since theres less ?


ok i just decided to just do a mushroom tank...last thing i need are lights..what i have right now is a 36' 50/50 10,000k 15w bulb...would this work just for mushrooms ?


Active Member
Uh yes and no. The 10 gallon tank is only 20 inches long so you need 18 inch bulbs. And 30 watts of flourescents or a dual 13 watt pc setup will be fine for shrooms. I have shrooms on the bottom of my 12 growing and spreading with the 30 watts.... Whatever you do end up doing don't plan on doing any hard corals in the 10. Very hard to stay on top of levels and keep them consistant. I don't do alot of work with mine which is why i only keep easy corals..... Im having a hard enough time with my 20 staying stable let alone my 12.