10gal Nano


Active Member
I want to set up a 10gal nano reef
I have the tank, hood, carbon biowheel filter, what else do I need besides LS, LR, Coral, Fish??
What kind of light bulb do I need?
What kind of fish and coral do you suggest?
I really want a percula clown and a BTA.


test kits, salt, refractometer, some PC lighting or MH w/ the anemone which most will not suggest in a tank that size. a powerhead or two, paint for the back, some buckets and pails, thermometer, maybe a AC fuge, etc., etc.

royal gang

Active Member
a 250 watt light for corals :) btw you might wanna hang it a bit away from the tank because that's too small and the light is too strong. ***) ***) ***)


Active Member
Get some books and read up on the hobby. I second blizz on the list of equipment. SaltWater tank keeping takes a lot of patience at the beginning.