110 gallon setup


I have a 90 gallon 4 foot tank and a 2 foot 20 gallon sump. The sump is basically a tank with a 5 inch dsb and about 10 pounds of LR (soon to be 25 pounds). Anyway my question is.
Once I am finished cycling I am considering a Picaso Trigger. What companions could I have in their with it? I was thining regal tang, but I wouldl ike to have more than just that. Any suggestions? how big do sand sharks get? my LFS has a 6 inch long one for 90 bux canadian. I think they need much more room right?


New Member
I have a tank very similar to yours size wise and have kept the following successfully for quite some time:
snowflake eel
niger trigger
blue-spotted grouper
lunare wrasse
Alot of people would say i'm overstocked but it works and you'll find that some combos work and some don't. If you want a picasso though, add him last for sure and try to pick one out that has a good temperament cause they vary. As for the shark, forget about it in a 90. You'd need at the very least a 150. If I were you, i'd go with the picasso(huma), a snowflake eel for sure, and either a harlequin tusk or maybe a dwarf lion. Just make sure you add them in the right order and acclimate them right.


Active Member
I agree,I'v got a picasso, a snowflake and a panther grouper in a 100 gallon.I'm going to add a lunar wrasse and let it be until I up-grade.
A harliquin tusk and a eel would be nice in that tank.But a shark really needs nothing less than a 180 gallons,and thats pushing it.


the lunar wrasse info is appreciated as thats one of the ones I was thinking about they are beautiful and very interesting to watch, swimming back and forth all day long.
My wife is dead set against a lion, but the morray way be in the cards. what do you guys cap the tank with?