110 gallon stocklist ideas..



I am in the process of getting a 110 gallon tank. (hopefully) And I'm not sure if I'm going to go reef or FOWLR yet but, if i do decide do go Aggressive, i would like some ideas for a stocklist. I know you guys can be pretty creative so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Your stone fish is pretty cool but I don't know if I want a fatally poisonous fish in my tank.

Any other suggestions?


I know that, but I'm saying if i were to go aggressive what would be a good creative stocklist for a 110 gallon tank.


Active Member
I think a Volitan Lion, a large maroon clown, a blue throat trigger (are those known to nip at lion fins?, and possibly an eel (either SFE or Zebra).
I am not sure if the blue throat would go after the lions fins or not as I have never owned one, but I have heard on many occasions that they are one of the most docile triggers in the trade. Another thing to look into would be if the blue throat would mess with the eel, as I am not sure of that either for the same reason.


That stocklist would be pretty cool.
I'm deffinitely not an expert on aggressive fish but have heard that triggers will go after lions fins and that the blue throat is one of the more docile triggers.
Any opinions on this?
Do you think this stock could work? (blue throat, volitan, snowflake, maroon clown)
and if it did would there be any room for more fish or would that be it?


Active Member
I would decide on that one fish that you absolutely must have. Then, if that fish is reef safe, decide if you want to do a reef or not. Then, with those 2 things in mind, build a community that would go well together. Its pretty hard to give stocking ideas when you have no idea what you want. Just follow a saltwater fish compatibility chart.


Active Member
Dwarf Lion, Dwarf Puffer (I like Valentini), Dwarf Angel (Flame), throw in a Maroon Clown and Male Bluethroat Trigger...btw I would find it very unlikely that a BT Trig would go after a Lion, but his more aggressive cousins would.


Active Member
the clown triggers are awesome i was at lfs and since i know them im able to like you know...so i was playing around with him they have so much personality...you should defly look at them...he took food right out of my hand...if i wasnt doing reef i would have one!!!!