110 needs some life


New Member
i have had my sw 110 for about a year now. I have a med. snowflake eel, betta grouper, red spotted hawkfish, a green carpet anomea, coral banded shrimp and a couple of sally lihgtfoots. The tank is a normal set up with about 50-60lbs of live rock. I would like to add some color and or some new life(fish, more aneomies, crabs). Am asking for too much stuff? Please help.


Active Member
Sounds like a lightly stocked setup. I couldn't see any reason that you couldn't add a couple more fish. I would be carefull adding any more inverts though, as the beta, and eel, could make a meal of them. A couple of good choices would be a maroon clown, and maybe a wrasse of some sort.


New Member
thanks stacy but I forgot to mention my clownfish. I have tried to add a number of different fish to my tank but all of them but the original ones i mentioned before have died. I have bought most of them from the same store. My hawk fish seems to be very aggresive. Could he be killing the other fish? There were no bite marks on the fish to suggest that the eel was the killer. Water test were fine before I introduced the other fish. To name a few 2 foxfaced tangs, bicolor angel, cuban hogfish, and a sweet lips. Need help I don't want to kill any more fish


Active Member
How are you acclimating the fish? Also did you test the water after you introduced the fish, and after the fish past away? Foxfaces are very hardy, and I doubt anything in the tank would have killed them.


Active Member
Yo! you have a snowflake eel nad a grouper - they're chasing your new fish trying to EAT them. You have some really agreesive meat eaters in there that are harassing your other fish. Get a puffer and a Humu Humu trigger, they can take the heat.


New Member
will the trigger or puffer eat my live rock? I've never seen the grouper or the eel chase any fish even at night with the lights off. will a purple lobster get along with the coral banded shrimp?