110 Stocking List Compatibility


We ordered a new 110 gallon tank (with a 55g sump) that’s going to be delivered on Thursday and we’ve decided on a stocking list and we wanted to hear everyone’s opinion on it:
- Black Volitan Lionfish
- Foxface
- Puffer (Either a saddleback or a blue Hawaiian)
- Powder Blue Tang
- Sailfin Tang
- Zebra Moray Eel
We’re going to have a large skimmer and over 150lbs of live rock split between the tank and the sump with a 2-3 in sand bed throughout. I am looking at compatibility issues rather then size requirements since in the next year or so we will most likely be upgrading to a bigger tank so I would like to ask your advice.

Also, are there any kinds of inverts, stars, or detritus-eating organisms, that I can have in the tank with that combination?


I was planning a very similar system a while ago and have since changed my plans based on some of the advice that I received on this forum. To summarize what other posters told me:
The big compatibility issue you have here is Lionfish + Puffer. It seems like everytime I hear a story about this combo working out I hear another story about the Lion getting nipped to death. Case in point: a few months ago my LFS had an 8" golden puffer in a tank with an absolutely stunning 12-13" volitan. I watched both for about an hour, and they seemed to ignore each other. About a week later, I went back to find both fish missing. I asked the clerk if they had been sold; much to my horror I was told that the fish had actually killed each other. The puffer began nipping and harassing the lion, the lion stung the puffer in defense, and both fish died as a result of their injuries. Probably a rare occurence, but still, it can happen. Keep an eye on them if you decide to try it.
Not sure if the tangs are going to be friendly, though you can probably control that a little bit by being creative with the introduction schedule. If the PB is harassed at all, get him out of there; a sometimes notoriously fragile fish.
The only other thing I have to say is that between the lionfish, puffer, and zebra eel, make sure to get a good skimmer; all three fish are messy eaters.


It was suggested to me today by a friend that maybe instead of the tangs I go with a cuban hogfish, any experience with these guys in an agressive tank?
Also, thanks for the input SLCFish!


You're very welcome. Again, I'm no expert, but I read these forums every day and I tried to reflect some of the more common opinions regarding the compatibility of the fish you mentioned. I think its better to err on the side of caution.
Best of luck.


Thank you and I, like you, read the forums everyday and try to keep an open mind! I had a 55g reef tank a few months back that we had to sell due to a move to our house, but even when we were doing the reef I wanted an agressive tank and - thanks in part to a new job at the bank - can now afford an adequete sized tank and top of the line filtration, sumps, etc.


IMO that selection would work except I think the Sailfin will out grow your 110. They are a large tang. I would put the lion and the powder blue in at the same time, start with them then add the foxface, then puffer, last the eel. Start with 2 fish then add one at a time as to not overload your system.


IMO that selection would work except I think the Sailfin will out grow your 110. They are a large tang. I would put the lion and the powder blue in at the same time, start with them then add the foxface, then puffer, last the eel. Start with 2 fish then add one at a time as to not overload your system
I agree except I would add the foxface first since he's the most peaceful.