112 Gal in the wall


If you click on the link below check out my project that is almost finished. I tore everything out of a closet and put the tank in it. The hall way was on the other side of the back of the closet so it worked out great. Just reinforce the wall with some 4x4's and cut the hole. It wasn't as hrd as I thought is was going to be. I'll post some more pic from in the closet later.
<a href="http://community.webshots.com/album/42316755dHviOf" target="_blank">http://community.webshots.com/album/42316755dHviOf</a>


Active Member
yeah that is definately gorgeous. One day when i get my own place and am making the big bucks and not still in college, thats exactly what i want to do as well. That is awesome. It looks gorgeous!!!!

kris walker

Active Member
Yes, thanks for sharing. Your success is inspiring. I personally want to get a 4000 gal someday, and basically make it a wall, but lets see how much I can afford when the time comes.

tru conch

Active Member
nice setup. along with the above posts, once i have my own house, i want to build a tank into the wall as well. thanx for the pics and sharing.


Thanks for all the great coments(sp?). The wife wasn't to happy with the idea to begin with but now she really enjoys it since also it doesn't take up any space being in the closet. :D


Hey bigred. Got that 70 setup last night. Should have lighting in a couple of days. 2X96 watt PC. It's coming along. I'll post some pics when I get done.