12 aquapod live rock live sand


Active Member
Originally Posted by brnstr214
this is my new aquapod 12G what do you think?
wow i expected to look at this thread and see a few pieces of ever sized lr squished/collabarated into a nano but wow tht is awesome .. really makes it come together how it has tht cuve to it.. tht is going to look awesome with corals! :cheer:


yeahh i love the curve too. since the picture i have tightened a few gaps to keep the animals out front a lil more. to demartini, i really want a pair of wild clowns! i think that would be awesome. since the picture, i have added 2 emerals 10 snails and 10 blue hermits as well as a cleaner shrimp (hes a real dark gold color) any suggestions?


im not sure of the wattage but i have blue light, white light, and lunar lights.
any suggestions anyone on an Anemone to house clowns with these lights?


Active Member
a pair of clowns will be awesome! You wont be able to keep an anemone with stock lighting. You would need metal halides. clowns will host anything, so i suggest maybe having some frogspawn for them. my clowns absolutely adore their frogspawn... they are sooo cute!


Active Member
well, sunpod makes a great metal halide. I'm not sure how much you are willing to spend... the sunpod is pretty reasonably priced at $225. I just ordered one, so I can have anemones and clams.
You can still have a lot of awesome corals with the lights you currently have... just no anemone.


that puts a damper on my night

the frogspawn are agressive tho arent they?
im goin to the LFS in like 6 hours what shud i get?