12 Fingers 12 Toes...

I read that story on aol today. I thought it was funny that the media was saying that he would be a great pianist
but what is he gonna do with 12 toes.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
ewww....do you just do searches for the wierdiest stories on earth?
sometimes i just get bored... lol...
Originally Posted by saltwatersubie

I read that story on aol today. I thought it was funny that the media was saying that he would be a great pianist
but what is he gonna do with 12 toes.......
a great soccer player...


Active Member
I would leave them. People probably wouldn't even notice. If it was on a single hand, I'd get it chopped.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
I would leave them. People probably wouldn't even notice. If it was on a single hand, I'd get it chopped.
axtra on each hand and each foot...
Originally Posted by bigarn

he should be better at math than most people ...

nah... just be able to count to 25...

i wonder which finger he will use to flip the bird...

coral keeper

Active Member
That baby is going to need custom made gloves and shoes. He can also tie 2 fingers up to make up the middle finger. lmao!


Active Member
my son was born with an extra thumb. it was just a tiny one with a finger nail. We had it removed.


I feel sorry for this kid. Kids are so brutal today. When he goes to school he will be made fun of mercilessly. It's a shame too, because really what is the big deal about it? Kids will pick out anything that makes you even remotely different and will badger and badger you.
As an example? Myself. I remember being made fun of for having a cowlick. Who has a cowlick????!!! Um.... almost everybody I know!! I was made fun of because I didn't know that in sixth grade all girls shave their legs (says the rulz. You know? those rulz girls make up for the heck of it and change because the wind blows?) Even after I started the mindless ritual, they never forgot and I only did it because they told me to. Which was unacceptable.

Ack. Don't get me started on this.


Active Member
Well, I think it's pretty cute... they are at least normal looking fingers and toes, aside from being extra.
Yeah...kids are going to bug him but, really kids bug eachother about a lot of things.