12 gal Aquapod


New Member
Hello all,
I am new to the site. I used to have a 55gal FOWLR. But took it down due to moving. This past weekend I purchased a 12 Gal. Aquapod from LFS. I am very happy with the look of the tank. i had a few questions. I am planning on having corals. I am planning on having a pair of Percula Clowns and a Mandarin. The tank came with the sponge filter Plus Bio balls, Ceramic cylinders?? and Charcol. My questions is which should i use in the back compartments?? Also I will be putting about 15 Lbs. Of live rock in the tank. Is this a good ammount or will I need more? Any input will be great. I will post Pics Later on today. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Hi and welcome to nano tanks!! I got my 12 gal. aquapod 3 yrs ago and just purchased a 6 gal Biocube.
I cant wait to get it!!!
Everyone does it a little different. I kept my sponge in the first chamber on the left, but cut off a piece so my purigen would be under the intake holes and on top of the sponge. I have my heater in the middle chamber and I upgraded my pump to the maxi-jet 900.
I also got the wave maker nozzel which I like a lot. I purchased the nano fision skimmer and got rid of it 3 months later.
But definately get rid of the bio balls and the ceramic rings.

Have fun!