12 gallon bio thoughts.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Thinking of putting seahorses in my 12 gallon at my shop. Problem is 2 days out of the week no one is on hand to feed them. Need ideas on a work around for this. I have had seahorses before..kept them for a lifespan of five years..but never been in a position when there would be two days straight they couldn't be fed. Tank is cycling now and won't be placing seahorses in the tank for about a year...so have some time to figure this out.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Well, if you mean a 14 gallon Biocube, then you might be able to get away with a single pair of H. fuscus. If you are referring to the 12 gallon JBJ NANO cube, then perhaps not...it's a much shorter tank.
The tank height issue is the smaller of the two problems. Feeding....that's your rub. I let my horse fast for one day every once in a while, but never more than one day...and certainly not twice a week. Is there ANY way you can get in to the shop at least once in the evenings to feed the horses? If not, then...I think the decision is pretty plain. Turn this tank into a nano softie reef at your work, and build a seahorse tank for your home!

darthtang 2

I was raising seahorse long before this forum even thought about. Maintained seahorses in this tank for 1:5 years before there was a freak heater incident that electrocuted everything in the tank. So I am not worried about the tank size and height. Was curious if anyone had heard of new technologies or anything for allowing to feed and leave the tank un attended for a couple days a week.
Guess not....