12 gallon Nano Cube vs AquaPod


New Member
Hi guys, I've been keeping african cichlids for well over three years now and they just aren't as fun as they used to be. Lately I have been reading these forums and doing a lot of research on saltwater nano tanks. I know they are more difficult to maintain due to the amount of water but I am just looking for something small. My plan is to get two ocellaris clownfish, some live rock and sand, maybe a watchman goby, a clean up crew of course, and eventually i want to try to get a few anemones including the bubble tip. My question is which tank would you guys recommend I start with? The 12g nano cube is more expensive but does this mean it's better? The 12g Aquapod is cheaper and has 2x27watt CFls as opposed to 1x24watt PC light i; will this be sufficient for an anemone?
Any input is appreciated, Thanks.


Active Member
I have a 12 gallon aquapod and love it.. Dont know much about the 12g nanocube, but i got a 24gallon one and love that too.. IMO Both are great tank
both tanks stock lighting wouldnt be good enough for a anemone


Active Member
I had the 12 gal Aquapod and loved it until it started falling apart.
In the first year my L.E.D. light cord got yanked and it never did fit right after that so I lost the use of my LED's. (My fault though).
Also in the first year my fan fell out of my chiller when I was changing the lights and I didn't realize it for a while. The copper wire in the fan poisined my tank and I lost a lot of coral.
Recently (I've had the tank 3 years now) I was again changing my lights and something fell, but not all the way off the hood. I don't know what it was, but it was only attatched by the wires. The plastic tabs broke so I had to basically shove it back under the metal reflector thing and screw the plastic guard on quickly before the thing fell back out.
Then my lights stopped working and i ordered a Nano Cube.
The Nano Cube is alot quieter than the Aqupod. The only thing I didn't like about the nano cube is the way the lights work. There is a box that sits behind my tank now. Two lights plug into it then only one cord plugs into the wall. Now I can't turn my actinics on before my daylights like I did with the Aquapod. They both go on at the same time. It does have a bright LED though and I like that.
Anyway, sorry to be rambling on I didn't realize how long this was.


Active Member
the one year i had my 24g aquapod running ran just fine with no problem..only thing is one of the bulb went out early within 4 months but that was easily replaced...now i have it up and running again and everything still works fine..i have no experience the the nano cube....