There is a good chance I'm going to score a 12 gallon nanocube today for practically nothing. It's the old style with 1 24watt light. I'm trying to decided what to do with it. Whatever I decide, it means getting rid of the 12 gallon eclipse that has my evil yellow tail damsel and green spotted puffer in it.
My thoughts:
Set up the tank with new substrate and move everything but the crushed coral substrate from the eclipse over to it and give the evil damsel a new home (I've had this fish for 6 yrs and it's live through a 2 day move and a 1 week power outage. I'm having a hard time parting with it even if it is evil) Throw in a mushroom or two and just go with it
Set it up with the live rock I have now, so macros and snails, hit the tank with panacur to kill evil hydroids and attempt dwarf seahorses. (not the #1 idea on my list and most likely will not do) Or do all dead stuff and dwarfs
Or something completely different that I haven't thought of. Give me ideas. I'm in no hurry and the tank can sit in the closet for awhile until I come up with a plan.
My thoughts:
Set up the tank with new substrate and move everything but the crushed coral substrate from the eclipse over to it and give the evil damsel a new home (I've had this fish for 6 yrs and it's live through a 2 day move and a 1 week power outage. I'm having a hard time parting with it even if it is evil) Throw in a mushroom or two and just go with it
Set it up with the live rock I have now, so macros and snails, hit the tank with panacur to kill evil hydroids and attempt dwarf seahorses. (not the #1 idea on my list and most likely will not do) Or do all dead stuff and dwarfs
Or something completely different that I haven't thought of. Give me ideas. I'm in no hurry and the tank can sit in the closet for awhile until I come up with a plan.