12 Gallon Nano Lighting Question


Hello all,
I was wondering if I could get an opinion or two about lighting on a 12g nano.
Tank dimensions: (L)15" x (W)15" x (H)13"
The lights that I'm considering for the tank are 4 bulb 32W T5's.
(2) 10,000K and (2) Actinic blues.
I would love to be able to keep small corals and maybe a single anemone, and of course a few fish.
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
with 4x32w I would lean more to a 3/1 ratio heavy on the 10k or even 12k with only a single actinic.
With the multiple bulbs you can time for a total daylight pattern matching sunrise and full day then back to evening
Otherwise you should be good to go with your plan. Good choice IMO