12 gallon nano reef


the sun coral is new and hasn't opened up for me yet, but assuming it adjusts ok to my tank I'll probably try to spot feed it a bit. No fish at the moment, just a cleaner shrimp and coral banded shrimp, hermits, crabs, etc.


Active Member
how much have u invested so far? (the rocks and such.... not the tank itself or equipment) im constructin mine at the moment and am just curious


well, even at the smaller scale it's still a pricey hobby. I've got around 20 lbs. of live rock in there (that depends on density, of course) and maybe 15 lbs. of live sand. I bought a little bit here and there locally since most sites ship out larger quantities than what I could use, so I just bought it piece by piece whenever I saw a chunk I liked at the lfs. I bought and was given quite a few small frags by local reef keepers when I joined a local club, so that helped a lot with costs. I also bought a couple online nano packs from some of the internet sites where I could get a much better deal than anything the local lfs monopoly was offering. My most recent purchase was 10 frags for $135 dollars, and that flat price included shipping. Plus, my bf now knows to get me frags for holidays. :) I've probably put in around $400 (just a rough estimate) in sand/rocks, corals, and critters and R/O water since I started.

nm reef

Active Member
This weekend I thought we'd take a look at actinic shots...to the eye it is a very blue and I personally find the view very nice...but getting decent photos of aquariums under actinics only (or even blueish tinted lighting) can be very difficult.
As on previous threads of this nature try to describe the methods used to get the photos and make mention of the equipment used.
When shooting actinics I take numerous shots with different WB adjustments to allow me to select from the results the ones I like. I've also tried shooting in raw mode which allows WB adjustments after the photos are loaded to my computer. I still shoot with a Canon G5.....and editing is done with Photoshop Elements 3.0...below are some examples of my actinic attempts.



I have the 2005 jbj nano cube deluxe and right now have the stock lighting. I think it's 2 24w 50/50 bulbs. I'm planning on upgrading to 96w actinics in the next week or so, though. :)