12 Gallon Nano tank brown algae !!!


New Member
I recently set up a 12 gallon nano tank . I put 30 pounds of live sand and 2 damsels to clear out the ammonia . Brown algae is growing on the live sand . Do I stir the sand to get rid of it ??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Prctrigger
I recently set up a 12 gallon nano tank . I put 30 pounds of live sand and 2 damsels to clear out the ammonia . Brown algae is growing on the live sand . Do I stir the sand to get rid of it ??
Its Probably Diatoms, leave it alone it should clear up on it own.


Active Member
well what water do you use? it could contain stuff in the water that causes it to grow. do you use RO water? when i used tap water i had that brown stuff really bad and never went away until i used RO water.