12 Gallon reef...help a noob...:-)


New Member
Ok, I want to turn my 12 gallon eclipse tank into a reef tank. I don't want to spend a fortune if at all possible(naturally).. First, i would like to know what is the filtration i'll need and what lighting would be best. I'm not interested in keeping extremely delicate corals as i'm still a newbie to the hobby. I currently use the eclipse hood light/filter combo.
Oh Btw, the tank has 1 strawberry baslett ,1 cleaner shrimp , 1 elephant ear mushroom, around 30 pounds of liverock, 10 pounds of livesand, an assortment of turbo snails and blue leg hermits, and has been up and running for around 6 months.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...thx..:)


I am not too familiar with eclipse tanks...what type of filtration do they have? I think I remember reading that they have wet/dry with bio wheels? If that is the case then that should be fine for filtration with the addition of a protein skimmer and your live rock. I would recommend buying pcs for lighting trying to get at least 3 watts per gallon (which shouldn't be too hard in a 12 gallon tank.) Hope this helps.


New Member
the only problem that i know of with the eclipse 12 gal is lights. I have seen it done in the shops but am uncertain exactly what lights they used