12 Gallon Saltwater Tank


New Member
Hey Everyone,
I've just boughten an Eclipse System 12 Gallon Marine Aquarium Kit, and I have a couple of questions:
1) What type of fish could fit into a 12 gallon tank? (I've been told that clown fish are the best, but I was wondering if there were any others)
2) How many of these fish could fit in a 12 gallon? (How many clown fish or other smaller fish?)
3) If clown fish are the best, what species would be the most appropriate?


Active Member
even clown fish in a 12 might be small. 1 clown if u must since they r aggressive unless mated pair. get the one that doesnt grow to more than 3 inches, like oscellaris. gobies r another fish u can get, since most will not grow bigger than 2 inches.


Active Member
I would put 2 oscellaris into a 12 gallon. But honestly there are so many fish that are cooler. The way I see it before they outgrow that tank your going to replace it with a bigger one.
First tank - Eclipse 6
6 months later nano cube.
6 months after that 55 gal
2 months later second 55.
Yea 4 tanks. Then I moved them all into a 90 gal. Set up the nano cube 6 months later. Just got a 56 column to replace the 12 again.
Got my eye on a 210.


Active Member
they will be fine. unless ur getting the maroon clownfish, bc maroons r more aggressive.