12 lbs Fiji $30 Cleveland Area


I bought some liverock from a student that was moving. Got a great deal on it. Unfortunately I do not have enough room in my tank for all of it. So i am selling about 12 pounds of the stuff. All of the rock is covered in beautiful coraline algea. One piece is about 8x6 inches and weight about 10 lbs. There are 2 other pieces that come to about 2 lbs together. This is for local pickup only. If you are interested email me at wantasmartcookie^@yahoo.com delete^. I will see if I can borrow my friends digital camera for some pics.


I'm just S.E. of COlumbus, and would be interested if you would ship. UPS ground will still get it to me next day, so shipping would be inexpensive on my end. If you would consider shipping it in wet newspaper to me, send me mail at cfish@insight.rr.com
You can send me pics there too, if you wouldn't mind.



Originally posted by ricecookie
I bought some liverock from a student that was moving. Got a great deal on it. Unfortunately I do not have enough room in my tank for all of it. So i am selling about 12 pounds of the stuff. All of the rock is covered in beautiful coraline algea. One piece is about 8x6 inches and weight about 10 lbs. There are 2 other pieces that come to about 2 lbs together. This is for local pickup only. If you are interested email me at wantasmartcookie^@yahoo.com delete^. I will see if I can borrow my friends digital camera for some pics.

Did you sell the LR Yet?? I am in akron and could pick up if you have any to spare.:joy:


I still have the live rock. Though after being intoruced to my tank (and the previously poor lighting), quite a bit of the coralne bleached out. It is recovering nicely now that I have better lighting (145 watts vs 30 watts). I will be helping a friend move on saturday. But if you like I can email you pictures of the rock.


Ricecookie, If you still want to sell the LR I can get anytime this week. Can you sell for less than $30:happyfish


12 pounds of live rock with that much corraline is well worth $30. If I was closer, I'd snag it in a minute. I'm selling some cured fiji rock with nowhere near that much coralline on it for $2.50 a pound. You get that rock for the same price. Grab it up. :)


Thanks much for making my case. I'm not in any hurry to sell this stuff. $30 dollars firm. I suppose that I should have posted a higher price than the lowest that I was willing to go. I'll know better next time.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the interest.



Originally posted by ricecookie
Thanks much for making my case. I'm not in any hurry to sell this stuff. $30 dollars firm. I suppose that I should have posted a higher price than the lowest that I was willing to go. I'll know better next time.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the interest.

I will buy the LR. Please email me at jgreenfe@hotmail.com so we can make arrangements. Thanks!


My apologies for taking so long to get back. The reason that I am selling this is that I need money for a sump system for my tank. I may have found someone who is willing to trade. If it falls through, JBONE it's yours first, then on down the line. Again I apologize for the inconvenience.