120 been thinking


i have been thinkin about changing my 120 from a freshwater tank to a saltwater tank fish only...i am still kind of confused on how these work tho...will i need a sump or wat will i need to supply the biological filtration needed...also wat are some good fish for this size im a big fan of puffers and eels


id rec. a sump especially the 120. (check out my 125 thread to see what ive done). it gives you more options and less clutter in the tank. also as for bio just the LR and LS are all you need. i have about 140lbs of rock(i think) and 80lbs of sand in my 125. i should of gone with about 60lbs of sand but hey it was pretty much free.


Go to the Hobbiest Section of the Forum- it's listed first. You should read the following:
Very Long and Good Advice
101 Tips to Begin a Saltware Aquarium
A list of Extremely Helpful Tips

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