Originally Posted by
smallreef http:///t/390335/120-gallon-help#post_3456320
lol okay...the Blue Jaw trigger wont NORMALLY eat corals (though clown trigger do like to nibble)
X-ing out the pipefish, mandarin and cardinalfish then the others will work..
pipefish are a NO unless you are very experianced...
the mandarin is a NO until you have a VERY established tank with alot of copepods
and the cardinalfish are a NO with the trigger,,, it COULD work but why take the chance when you have so many other options
umm you had my answer in the beginning and im not changing my mind...
I agree with you Snake that a 4ft tank is small,, but with that if the OP doesnt add all kinds of craziness (hhrrmmm) then they will be happy for a few years if bought as small juvies...
SO no mandarins, skip the chromis, the urchins and stars will likely die...
SO for my opinions on what you could do:
Clownfish pair,BJ trigger pair, 2 tangs (each different body types, like a sailfin and a kole), and the eel... that i feel would be MAXED and in about 2-3 years you would need to upgrade to a 180+