120 Gallon Marine Tank less tham a year old cherywood


New Member
This is not for shure a sale im just wonedring i have a 120 gallon marine or saltwater tank with fish and sand im keeping my coral if i even sell the tank it is all cherywood stand and has a rena filstar Xp3 filter and two rena skimmers also possibly included in the sale is a yellow tang a vermiculas angel 2 zebra damsils a violtin lionfish a royal grammna and a picasso trigger all very peacefull and actually get along no im just wondering but what would you pay for this set up? any price ranges whould be greatly appericated
Thank you Joshua
Just wondering thinking of getting a 220gallon :help: :happyfish :thinking:


just wondering can you help me with lighting. i just bought a 120 thaTS 5FT LONG AND WONDER WHAT LIGHTING T GET for a reef and about how much it would cost


Active Member
Originally Posted by newbiereef
just wondering can you help me with lighting. i just bought a 120 thaTS 5FT LONG AND WONDER WHAT LIGHTING T GET for a reef and about how much it would cost
I would recommend posting in either the reef tank section, or the DIY and equipment section for more specifics on this question...