120 Gallon stocking list


Okay this is wat i have so far.
(I already own the first 3 fish, but all the rest are ones that im thinking about so feel free to make suggestions on them.)
1. a flameback angel
2. a tomato clown (might try to get a mate for him)
3. a sixline wrasse
4. a purple tang
5. a achilles tang
6. a flameangel or a coral beauty
thats all i have rigth now, if anybody has any suggestions on nice fish to add that would help me alot. also they have to be reef safe,.


Active Member
flame/or cb angel might not get along with the flameback
and if you ever find a dwarf liopnfish liek that on any site let me know.. thats awesome


Active Member
I would skip the achilles...they get huge,need more swimming room than a 120 IMO,are known ich magnets,and getting them to eat and finding a healthy one can be difficult.


Active Member
I would also not recommend the two angels. Maybe consider a small school of anthias. They are awesome fish and very active when in a school.