1200 gallon tank Venting, Humidity?


New Member
I am halfway through the construction of my new fishroom....just the room!!! Have not even come close to building the tank yet..lol. Im having some trouble deciding on vents etc.
Main Tank- 126x72x32
Lighting- 12 Halides HQI
1) Is an enclosed light hood a must? If not what is the best way to get rid of the heat?
2) Can I vent all the heat from the halides to my garage as a source of heating?
3) How strong a fan will I need to vent air from fish room to garage? its about a 40 foot run.
4) Is an air exchanger my best method to control humidity?
If so any model or brand suggestions?
5) What will be my best plan for venting/humidity on this size tank and room...
-Air exchanger for room and lighting area being vented
-de-humidifier and room air conditioner
-large fan venting to outside only
a different combination or piece of equipment?

the mantis

I have a ten foot wide reef and on both of my sides I have 2 10'' fans blowing towards the middle....In the middle of the tank(above it) I have a double exaust fan sucking the hot air from my 6 metal halides and pumping it into my garage...Sounds like you are in the same situation...I run my fans non stop and they do a pretty good job...Summer time the lights still heat my tank up a little more than i would like so i will be adding a chiller within the next few months...good luck and be sure to plan ahead....Ask alot of questions before you choose your path...


New Member
Thanks guys,
Mantis do you have any pics you could post of your venting and fan setup??
What exhaust and fans did you use? model 's?


go to oregonreef.com
it's steve weast's site for his 800g. I think he has an email link. I am sure he would be full of advice.

the mantis

I purchased my exuast fan at home depot..its one that you would put in the window of your home...instead i put it sideways between my two beams...i was gonna put a kitchen exuast in, but alot of them had to be hard wired...meanwhile the fan was a regular 110...but overall im pretty happy..All of the fans run constantly...never get shut off...dont have no pictures yet of anything but eventually im gonna post my tank...good luck


New Member
Thanks for the reply...
What make and model is the fan?
Do you have a problem with rotting and rusting in the garage?
Is the fan your only humidity controller?


hope it's ok to post this, but here goes...
a guy with a 1700g shark tank. he writes for another site. check out the messages section.