120lbs of live rock

I have 120lbs of live rock, I would consider selling it at $5 a lb. I am located in Santa Rosa, CA but I will ship it anywhere at buyers expense.. the live rock has been in my tank for about 6 months so it would be very good for a new tank starting up. It is all covered in coraline algae and was in a reef tank with great water parameters.


I'm interested in about 20 pounds. I live in Bloomington, Illinois 61761. Do you know how much it would be ship it here. Hows come your wanting to sell it?
its Fiji Live Rock... I really only want to sell it in 50lbs incriments, because it will be a pain to ship.. haha. But I guess I could buy a styrofoam cooler.. but probably like $35 to ship.


Active Member
$4.00 LB shipped:notsure: :notsure:
Support the FREE message board
If you dont want to buy anything dont post in my thread trying to ruin it. :rolleyes:
My rock has been in my tank for 6-7 months so its a lot better than the stuff you would get from here, about 50lbs of my rock IS from here so I HAVE supported saltwaterfish.com so think before you post. I have to move and cant keep a fish tank anymore... what am I suppose to do with it?


Active Member

Originally posted by SnowflakeJason
about 50lbs of my rock IS from here so I HAVE supported saltwaterfish.com. what am I suppose to do with it?

So you bought rock from this site four $4.00 LB shipped and now you are selling it for $5.00 LB. Why don't you sell it for what you payed for it instead of trying to make money off this FREE site.


Active Member

Originally posted by 737mech
jlem.....why can't we all get along? :joy:

It has nothing to do with getting along. It has to do with the fact that people take advantage of this FREE forum and it bugs me, so I help people make better decisions like supporting a Free site that is cheaper than what poeple are selling their rock for. I am just helping people out. No body has to listen to me ( most people don't I'm sure ) but people should be told of the best deal and this site is it. If somebody sold rock because of breaking down a system for cheaper than this site then I would say nothing, but to buy rock from SWF.COM and then sell it for more is taking advantage of this site and is not a better deal than what this site has, exspecially after shipping.


You have to keep in mind the LR he is selling is aged and cured in a running system. It will probably have more coralline coverage and living critters on it and most importantly any die off will be minimal with fast shipping and will create less of an ammonia spike than the "pre" cured LR they sell on this site. I don't think the people of this board need someone to make their decisions for them. It's insulting and self important. Deal with it.


Active Member

Originally posted by Innsmouth
. I don't think the people of this board need someone to make their decisions for them.

Isn't the boards sole purpose to help people make the best decisions :)
I'm not making anybody do anything. I am not even telling the sellers that they can't sell their rock for how ever much they want. It's not my place to tell anybody what they can and can't do, but I do have a right to mention that this site sells great rock at a better price and is a better decision.
If somebody gets a better deal because of me then who did I hurt. I guess that I hurt the seller who probably was charging to much anyways or else somebody would have bought their rock. So it is not me that has to deal with anything.


Isn't the boards sole purpose to help people make the best decisions
help, not force.
Stop attacking sellers. You might as well attack those who are selling LR for less than $4/lb as well since they are trying to undercut this FREE board you love so much.
People can take care of themselves. Make suggestions but don't flat out mock sellers, next thing you know no one will try to sell anything on here because of people like you and then where will we be.


Active Member
Point Taken .
I will suggest from now on that people buy their rock from SWF.com from now on.:D
I'll have to figure out how to suggest differently from what I am doing now. I will try though so the seller feels better



Originally posted by jlem
I will try though so the seller feels better

Its not an issue of making the seller 'feel better' its an issue of not harassing or hassling sellers. The internet provides a lot more exposure to people than the local newspaper classifieds and this site is the best and sometimes only option a lot of people have to sell live rock/fish/equipment etc.
Next to this site where other interested hobbyists are clustered would be ---- but ---- charges to sell.
This is a haven for sellers and buyers alike, people like you who attack them take it away. This is a great place to find bargains and sell un-needed equipment and while you are certainly entitled to your opinion in my own opinion you should be more careful with your words and stop trying to rescue SWF.com. This site isn't going anywhere, someone selling liverock for a nickel more isn't going to destroy it. If anything it will help it because yes some people will see the difference.
So in conclusion: People have brains, give them a chance to use them. You can't right all the wrongs of this world and if you were going to try a saltwaterfish.com messageboard is the last place that I would pick to start at. Class is almost over so I'm gone. That's my .02 I hope you listened.


Active Member

Originally posted by LionStorm
This is a great place to find bargains

But paying 2-3$ more a pound after shipping is not a bargain. I guess we will just go back and forth until the mods close the thread.