125 Angels?


Active Member
Hey people. Pretty much everything in my 125 is gone now and Im looking for something to put in it. I dont really have any experience with large angels (non-dwarf) and I was curious if I could keep any. It cant outgrow the 125 because they would be too intrusive in the 980. Anything I can try? Ive got about 60 lbs of rock in there now with an additional 100 curing as I type.


I think a flagfin would be a good angel to keep in a 125. They are one of the smaller large angels.
I currently have a large queen in my 125, but will be moving it to a 240 soon.
IMO a scribbled or rock beauty could be kept in a 125, but they can be difficult to adapt to captivity.
Angels of the Genicanthus family would also be good candidates.


Active Member
Thanks for the suggestions. Ive always been partial to Blues and Queens but know enough not to put it in the 125.


Active Member

Originally posted by osufarker
Angels of the Genicanthus family would also be good candidates.

I agree. There are some really cool fish in this family; alot of which aren't very common in the hobby. Genicanthus angels aren't all that expensive either and are usually considered reef safe.


Active Member

Originally posted by gasguzzler
Thanks for the suggestions. Ive always been partial to Blues and Queens but know enough not to put it in the 125.

The Queen would be more of a stretch, but should be fine for quite awhile if you get a smaller one. IMO, you would be perfectly fine with a blueface. Scribbleds are also a real good suggestion, as wel as the flagfin.... although I am a little more parital to the goldflakes.


Active Member
cincy- Im not sure if were talking about the same one. Im reffering to the blue angel- H. Bermudensis. Are you talking about P. Xanthometopon?


Active Member
Yeah i assumed blue face... my fault. The blue would be the exact same as a queen just not as good looking IMO. Another angel that not too many people have are annularis angels... Really nice angels IMO.


Active Member
Yeah, I dont know. Theres just something about them I dont like. Cant explain it, just dont find them that intriging. If its not a good idea to have either of the others, without having a home lined up, Ill probably scrap the angel and do something else. Any thoughts?


Active Member
How about a regal angel, or if you decided against adding a angel then maybe a regal or chevron tang.:D


Active Member
I definately dont want to contribute to the Regal Angel depletion fund. A chevron would be cool, any full adult pics? I heard that the colors vary as adults.


Active Member
I was just looking at the angels on this site and I was thinking of a Blue Koran. I have never seen the adult phase of this fisk before. Beautiful! Why havent I seen an adult for sale before?


Active Member
Pretty much because they don't sell at all.... If you like the Koran then another similar angel that you might want to check out is a Cortez angel.